
Hospital Clothes

Over the last few months as my partner has been dealing with the diagnosis of and now treatment of cancer. When we go to the hospital we pack for the day and I pick out my “hospital clothes”. I am not sure but I may have worn the same thing the last several times. Black […]... Read More


I am at a bit of a crossroads in my life and I want to be intentional about the next direction that I go in. With that in mind I am seeking inspiration. I would tell someone else to find a way to follow their passion and that seems like pretty good advice, but the […]... Read More

The Yin and Yang of Emotion

For many people emotional balance often refers to staying in some sort of emotional middle ground.  This is not what I mean by emotional balance. I am referring to more of an emotional yin and yang where for each emotion there is an antithesis. Many people want to feel the positive emotions and ignore their […]... Read More

What a Disaster!!

I remember walking down the hall my sophomore year in high school and Mr. Bowden saw me in the hall pointed at me and said “Hyperbole!” to which I responded “A conscious overstatement to create an exaggerated effect.” He in return said “Yes!” and proceeded down the hall. I am not sure why this moment […]... Read More