Make a Difference?


I read this Live Your Legend Blog Challenge prompt yesterday and I have spent a lot of time thinking about it.

What difference do you want to make?

My first thought was “I don’t know.”

My second thought was “Oh crap, this blog thing is not going to work if I don’t know what difference I want to make!”

Then I told myself “You have got to figure this out or you are royally screwed.”

Then I said “Wait a minute…Calm down…You will figure this out…Take your time and get it right.”

So that is what I am going to do, I am going to take my time and get it right.  I only recently started to really think about what I wanted to do next with my life.  I have been caught up in this need to make money so I can pay bills and eat and I have not spent a lot of time feeding my soul and enriching my life.  So for now this blog is for me.

Then there is this other thing where I have always pictured myself in front of a crowd of people saying something worth listening to (See Welcome).  I just have not been sure what that is.

I started thinking about what people blog about and I concluded that it seems to be something that people have had success with and they want to share their success with others as a way of helping.

One thing that I think that I have done well is being authentic. I decided to title my blog Actually Lesley Roy because I plan to actually be myself (within reason of course). For as long as I can remember I have just been me. I had brief periods during adolescence when I was feeling out who I was, but I always had a pretty good sense of what felt right and what didn’t.  Peer pressure had nothing on me because I was comfortable with who I was.

(If you knew me during my high school years let me know if you think this is accurate or if I am experiencing selective recall.)

So what am I going to do with this?  How do I want to help people?

  1. I want to help people discover and live their authentic self.
  2. I wan to help people to identify and communicate interpersonal boundaries that allow them to feel safe in their authenticity.
  3. By helping people to live authentically I want to support them as they build genuine connections to others.
  4. I definitely want people to laugh.  This is not really anything that I want to help with, but I think that all of the above can be done with a little humor, especially about oneself.