“You Made My Day!!”

I have lost track of how many people have said this to me.  So many that when I tell someone about it, I just say “I had another ‘You made my day.’ moment”.  Most of the time this is in response to what is an otherwise brief encounter usually in the context of customer service.  I have a good sense of humor and I like to use it.  I also like to be authentic when I engage with people.  So I guess what makes a person’s day is having an interaction with someone who is compassionate, authentic, and funny.

I have a knack for saying out loud what people are probably thinking and that tends to catch people off guard.  I am not always in the mood to be fully present and engaging, but when I am I keep an eye out for that spark that let’s me know that even if only for a moment, I made a connection with someone else.  When someone tells me that I made their day, then not only do I know what I made a connection, but maybe even an impression, perhaps a story to tell later, or something that they can quietly smile to themselves about.

Most importantly when someone tells me that I made their day, they are actually making mine.